Thursday, April 16, 2009

General Store Deals

Ok, you've all been waiting for this! Compare and save with the prices of specialty items on this post (we will refer back to this, too)! We walked all around Horse Isle with random items in my inventory to bring this to you! Thanks to the anonymous contributer who gave this idea!
  1. Earton General Store Purchasing Loaf of Bread~ $40 Water~ $20 Banana~ $16 Pitchfork~ $500 Log~ $10 Apple~ $20 Selling to Them Apple~ $5 Cotton~ $2 Pitchfork~ $125
  2. Treeton General Store Purchasing Leather piece~ $221 Loaf of Bread~ $22 Apple~ $11 Log~ $6 Selling to Them Apple~ $9 Log~ $4 Cotton~ $4 Pitchfork~ $225 Feather~ $9
  3. Tail End General Store Purchasing Loaf of bread~ $24 Water~ $12 Leather Strapping~ $90 Pine Cone~ $4 Selling to Them Loaf of Bread~ $14 Cotton~ $3 Pine Cone~ $2 Marshmallow~ $3
  4. Hotton General Store (Desert Isle) Purchasing Loaf of bread~ $24 Water~ $13 Leather Piece- $260 Log~ $7 Telescope~ $13k Selling to Them Cotton~ $3 Giant Coconut~ $150 Loaf of Bread- $15
  5. Bena Buket's General Store (In Santon, Desert Isle) Purchasing Loaf of Bread~ $22 Water~ $11 Lemonade~ $14 Leather Strapping~ $83 Selling to Them Loaf of Bread~ $16 Cotton~ $4 Giant Coconut~ $160

More later!!! Courtesy of Emmie and PP, edits done solely by Emmie. Sorry that the post won't let us have seperate lines for the items like we entered them as; it automatically changes it!

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