Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Griffin's Niece Quest

This intermediate (but easy) quest starts by talking to Griffin in Earton on Horse Isle.
  1. Griffin will tell you that his niece is missing and that he wants you to look for her.
  2. Use the magnifying glass directly to the north of his cabin. You see footprints walking towards Eartip Forest. You should go look for Wendy in the forest.
  3. I don't know if Wendy moves around, but I found her to the the northwest of the forest, where pine trees were to my left and right and a dead tree was below me. Wendy wants you to bring her Griffin's ladder.
  4. Talk to Griffin, who will then give you his ladder.
  5. Talk to Wendy and give her the ladder.
  6. You will automatically go back to Griffin's house. Talk to him and give him the ladder.

You completed Griffin's Niece! You earned $3000 and 100 quest points. ~Emmie~

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