Sunday, August 30, 2009

Missing Maude Quest

This is an... odd quest. It starts on Torrid Isle. It's a novice quest worth 25 qp.
  1. Talk to Felicia. She can't find her mom. Click on the answer about getting lost in piles of stuff in the house when talking to her.
  2. Rake the house. You gently rake through the amazing assortment of junk piled around the hut, and voila, you uncover a large woman, snoozing under a pile of papers.You found Felicia's mom.
  3. Tell Felicia that you found her mom.

You Completed Missing Maude! You earned $4000 and 25 quest points. ~Emmie~

Pssst... if you talk to Felicia again, her mom wakes and becomes an option of someone to talk to.

Laurence's Turban Quest

This quest starts on a recently added isle, Torrid Isle, which can be reached by boat from Hotton or Horseshoe Village. It is an intermediate quest worth 100 qp.
  1. Talk to Laurence. He needs you look up at Shellton Library how to make him a new turban.
  2. Talk to Beatrice Bibliophile at the library; she gives you a book on tying turbans. She sends you to Albert Junker in Horseshoe Village for material for a new turban.
  3. Talk to Albert. He shows you 3 yards of linen. Buy them for $200.
  4. Go back to Laurence. Talk to him and give him the supplies.

You Completed Laurence's Turban. You earned $5000 and 100 quest points. ~Emmie~

Rose's Quest

Hey guys, It's been a while since I've posted anything (sorry!) but I finally finished this quest today. I believe this is the whole quest, but I'm not entirely sure seeing as I just now finished it up.
  1. Talk to Rose of Rider Isle. She's is the woods near the rocks. She wants Pie a la Mode.
  2. Give her some Pie a la Mode (the Bird Isle food store sells it).

You Completed Rose's Quest! You earned $200, a Ruby and 25 quest points. You were given an Embroidered Handkerchief. ~Emmie~